SaaS Script For Cleaning Business | Support 27*7


Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we hear from our appreciated customers.

Let's do business

What CleantoSaaS offers

Getting Started

Setting up CleantoSaaS schedule is very simple.

User Profiles

The booking procedure of your schedule is completely configurable.

Collecting booking details

Utilizing both standard and adaptable fields, you can gather the data you have to make a booking.

Adjusting Appearance

A schedule gives diverse "perspectives", approaches to take a gander at the schedule.

Customizing Reminders and Notifications:

Reminder and follow-up messages can be tweaked.

Payment Modes

The framework bolsters installment by bank transfer.

Integrate a schedule in your website

Coordinate a schedule on your site.

Setting up discounts and promotions

There are a few manners by which you can offer rebates and run advancements.

Working with your timetable every day

This segment discloses how to function with your online arrangement scheduler every day.

Managing appointments and customers

You can get to your clients' points of interest and make bookings on behalf of User Management.

Working with frames

Adding a frame to your enlistment as well as booking process enables you to gather extra data from clients.

Utilizing your timetable on cell phones

When you or your customers visit your arrangement plan through a cell phone.

Utilizing your calendar for business purposes

On the off chance that you intend to utilize your arrangement plan for business purposes.

Tips and Tricks

This segment gives a couple of particular highlights to enhance your booking schedule's work process.

Do you have questions?

Not sure how CleantoSaaS can help you?

Here are the answers to the absolute most basic inquiries we get notification from our acknowledged clients

Not yet but we will be adding it soon.
You can contact us through skype and email.
Yes you need a website to use CleantoSaaS but we will provide you a landing page.
Definitely Yes, All the information is kept private as for us privacy is the main concern.