SaaS Script For Cleaning Business | Superadmin Features

Superadmin Features

Tools Design for Superadmin

Design better

We design to fit all your needs

Trial Version for New Business

Discover every one of our services just by agreeing to accept our trial version. This will assist you in understanding how we can enhance your business and you can get an entire clear thought regarding our product.

Payment With Once And Recurrence

Payment: We give a simple however secured method of installment. We give Integrate coordinate installment through Stripe. Two methods of payment are accessible .i.e (1) One-time Payment 2) Recurrence Installment


Super Admin Dashboard: It is the complete business analytics of your business. You get the complete report of total earning, weekly earning, Graph of Month wise earnings and so on.

New Business Register And Add

Here one can enlist the new business and furthermore super administrator can straightforwardly include the new business here.

Plans Create

Super admin can create and the plans and manage the business accordingly which makes this product quite reliable.


Here super admin gets the total access to roll out improvements in settings. Here super admin can change the appearance, can deal with the warnings etc.