SaaS Script for Cleaning Business | CleantoSaaS

The Best of The Web Appointment Scheduling for Every Situation

Your amazing business deserves an outstanding platform to grow it. Cleanto Saas will provide you with a quality service no matter what your business is about.

SaaS script for cleaning business | CleantoSaaS

CleantoSaaS is fully responsive and easy to use on every device

CleantoSaaS is completely responsive and is planned so that it looks extraordinary with each gadget. One can without much of a stretch to oversee and access the admin pannel on every one of the gadgets.

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Tools for everyone

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Start with CleantoSaaS

Thinking about a new project? Start in no time with the tools CleantoSaaS brings to you.

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SaaS script for cleaning business
SaaS script for cleaning business
SaaS script for cleaning companies
SaaS script for cleaning business

Everything you need - all in one script

SaaS script for cleaning business | CleantoSaaS

New feature


You will get a powerful tool to boost your business. It is the complete business analytics of your business. You get a complete report of total earning, weekly earning, Graph of Month wise earnings and added business.

SaaS script for cleaning Organizations


Customer can download their appointment details invoice, also admin can download customer appointment information invoice.

SaaS script for cleaning business
SaaS script for cleaning companies


One can easily manage the events with this simple yet important feature. One can set dates, time and reminders for several events and tasks.

SaaS script for cleaning business | Notifications



From notification you can see the upcoming appointments and their content, date and time on notification popup

CleantoSaaS is great for.

Any great business looks for a great platform. CleantoSaaS is the end of their search.

Built to Last

What will you get with CleantoSaaS?


You will get a powerful tool to boost your business. It is the complete business analytics of your business. You get a complete report of total earning, weekly earning, Graph of Month wise earnings and added business.

Secured payment gateways

We give a simple however secured method of payment. We give Integrate coordinate installment through Stripe.

24*7 support

We provide 24*7 support for any kind issues on CleantoSaaS.


As we are continuously working for making CleantoSaaS better day by day updates will be provided for better user experience.

SaaS script for cleaning business

Dashboard included

Every thing you need to get started

You will get a powerful tool to boost your business. It is the complete business analytics of your business. You get a complete report of total earning, weekly earning, Graph of Month wise earnings and added business.

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Do you have questions?

Not sure how CleantoSaaS can help you?

Here are the answers to the absolute most basic inquiries we get notification from our acknowledged clients

You can contact us through skype and email.
Yes you need a website to use CleantoSaaS but we will provide you a landing page.
Definitely Yes, All the information is kept private as for us privacy is the main concern.